How to claim an accident in supermarket, store or mall in Portugal

Falls Accidents Escalators Wet floor Lift Shopping Personal injury claim Grocery store Supermarket

Escrito em: 2024-08-27

How to claim an accident in supermarket, store or mall in Portugal

Responsibility for falls in a supermarket or shopping center 


Holidays are often interrupted by accidents, such as falls in supermarkets or in malls, that can result in bodily harm. 

These organizations have the duty to ensure the safety of their customers, such as keeping the floors of circulation corridors free of foreign objects or putting up warnings in the event of wet floors. In addition, they have civil liability insurance that covers all accidents that occur within the commercial space. 

Thus, if the injured person is not responsible for the accident but another person or organization is, this insurance can be used to compensate for the damage suffered.

What to do after an accident inside a Portuguese shopping centre?


The most common accidents in supermarkets or shopping malls are falls due to slippery floors, falls on escalators or lifts that stop suddenly. 


After the injured person has received medical attention, it is important to:


Gather evidence of the accident, such as photographs of the wet floor or the damaged supermarket shelf.

Gather contact details of witnesses or people who helped after the accident.

Report the accident to the shop's or mall management.

Seek legal assistance (like a lawyer) to analyze who is responsible: the cleaning company, the company responsible for the premises or the shopping centre itself. It's also possible to request video surveillance footage. 

Assessment of the bodily and psychological damage caused by the accident, by a Honnus medical expert in order to obtain fair incapacity. 

Bodily injury from stores and shopping centres falls in Portugal


In order to obtain compensation, the lawyer needs to base his request in a bodily injury expert's report.

Honnus starts by analysing the likelihood / probability of success of the case and after carries out a bodily injury consultation. We then draw up a bodily injury report proposing the bodily and psychological injuries, both temporary and permanent, caused by the accident in order to calculate the compensation that the victim should receive.

How did Emily obtain compensation for the fall she had in a grocery store in Portugal?


Emily was on holiday in Portugal with her family. While buying food in a supermarket inside the shopping centre, a shelf fell on her, causing her to fall and fracture her ankle. 


She received initial treatment in a Portuguese public hospital, after which she returned to England, where she continued with physiotherapy and orthopaedic consultations.


After six months, at the end of her treatment, Emily's ankle was stiff and she had difficulty using stairs and standing for long periods. 


The supermarket was held responsible and Honnus carried out a video consultation to Emily after analyzing the clinical documentation, which was sufficient to draw up the bodily injury assessment report. 


On the basis of this report, her lawyer was able to close the case with a compensation 4 times higher than the value she would get without the help of Honnus’ medical report.


Find out what is the fair incapacity for your accident in Portugal and get an adequate compensation!

Escrito por

Ana Rita Pereira

Ana Rita Pereira

Médica coordenadora da Honnus
